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Operational in 2009
Map of Urbanaut Wolmido Monorail, Incheon City,
South Korea
showing 6.3 km of guideways with 10 stations. There are 2 circular single guide
way loops with dual guide ways between the loops (from stations 101 and 102)
The water front loop around Wolmido Park,
Incheon, South Korea has a new, architecturally aesthetic Y-shaped structure
patented by Urbanaut bridging 45m (150ft) between supports. The guideway crosses
a freeway at 20 meter (66ft) height with adjacent sections having 6 to 7°
grades. The guideways are elevated and apply 3 different Urbanaut types of
structures in concrete and steel. Expansion of a dual guideway from station 109
has been planned.
The Urbanaut Incheon Monorail initially
consists of 2-car trains, expandable in the future to 3 or 4-car trains. A dual
guideway extension further into the city center is planned from Station 109.
The system is fully automatically operated and
controlled, including service and maintenance which are integrated into the
management facility.
Urbanaut stations are smaller modern expandable
types, harmonized aesthetically into the surroundings with integrated efficient
access to the ferries, the metro light rail and possible expansion to the
The Wolmido Park is a popular tourist center
and the Urbanaut is expected to further stimulate this industry. In the
following section are numerous illustrations of the Incheon Wolmido Urbanaut
construction and facilities, including vehicle concepts and operation.

Along the Wolmido waterfront and public
boulevard, an especially graceful architectural/structural concept was selected
which was invented and patented by the Urbanaut Company. This new structural
concept has great flexibility and bridges 45 meters (150 ft) between pile
foundations, a record by more than 50% between foundations, compared with other
monorails. This is one of the many examples of technical, economically and
environmentally superior features of the Urbanaut.
Construction of
Wolmido Monorail
Applying Partial Prefabrication and
On-site Construction
The Wolmido Monorail
in Incheon City, South Korea, is a medium size Urbanaut project
that involves partial prefabrication and limited on-site
construction. The construction method chosen uses lightweight
less costly equipment, involves a limited number of skilled
workers and innovative, safe assembly techniques. It has been
used in regions where the cost of labor is favorable, and where
heavy equipment is hard to obtain at reasonable costs.
The foundation for
this particular project was complicated and costly since the
water table was high. It involved inserting pilings (some 30
meters deep) down to bedrock with pile cap foundation to support
the super-structure (above the ground). To limit the number of
expensive foundations for the elevated guideway Urbanaut
recommended a special long span elevated structures. The Dual
Guide way super-structure is concrete.

Urbanaut provided a preliminary design and engineering of
circular concrete columns with the same cross section up to 20m
(66ft) in height. Prefabricated of circular column reinforcement
cages (Illustration 1) was made adjacent to the site and trucked
to each support; then installed on top of the foundation
(Illustration 2). To become cost effective the amount of
reinforcing varied and diminished with the height of each

Illustration 1

Illustration 2

Illustration 3

Illustration 4 |
The contractor
designed a simple, effective repetitious slip form section
(Illustration 3) requiring just a few skilled employees. The
speed of construction in this case is related to how many slip
forms are used, since several columns are slip formed and poured
simultaneously. The form work and procedure was applied for dual
guide ways, with a special form for the T-shape cross member at
top used repetitiously (Illustration 4).
The Single Guide
way super-structure consists basically of 2 prefabricated steel
components – circular columns and U-shaped beam sections. The
composite beamway on top of the columns has a concrete slab
serving as runway for the vehicles and is precision poured on site.
The concrete guide
rail on top, in the center of the runway, is made in sections
with fine tolerances.
For an Urbanaut
Monorail guide way construction to be cost effective, planning
and scheduling prior to construction is imperative. Construction
involves skilled labor and technicians in addition to a survey
crew and engineering inspection that overlooks precision
installation of components.

Long Span Dual Elevated Monorail Steel
Beam Way on top of slender circular concrete T-columns.
Construction causes no interference with adjacent high speed
Prefabricated lightweight steel columns were
bolted to a pile foundation with long span prefabricated beamway sections
mounted to the top of the columns

The Elevated Guide way with fairly
steep grades crosses above a major highway at a height of 20 meters / 66
ft Urbanaut rubber tires on the concrete runway has traction ability for
grades up to 12%. |

Prefabricated steel sections to be
topped with a concrete slab have shear lugs (studs) to make a rigid
composite beam section.
A precision cast-in-place concrete runway allowing a small beamway
deflection provides a smooth, quiet vehicle ride for the rubber tired
vehicles. |

The Wolmido Project involves testing of 4
different types of guide way structures in steel and concrete, bridging
up to 45 meters (150 ft) between foundations, nearly twice the length of
other monorails. The guide ways are constructed off street with no
interference with traffic.

Top view of Dual Monorail Composite
Beam Way ready for smooth concrete runway slab. Similar long straight
sections allow for high speed monorail train operations |

Long Span Dual Elevated Monorail
Composite Beamway constructed parallel to busy highway on top of slender
circular concrete T-columns |

An Urbanaut Dual Guide way has high passenger
capacity. |

A Single Guide way with 2-car train
leaves a small foot print along a spacious sidewalk. |

Special simple and
inexpensive Urbanaut stations bridging streets and street intersections, with
easy convenient access by stairs and elevators, close to parking garages and
other transit – buses and light rail -
will stimulate use of the system. The stations are constructed without street
traffic interference.
Urbanaut Preliminary
Feasibility Studies
With the advent of the
new innovative Urbanaut monorail technology an entirely new perspective
has evolved in making feasibility studies for alternate monorail
transportation planning, design and engineering.
The new much less costly
and flexible modern Urbanaut system beginning operation in Incheon, S.
Korea in 2009 revolutionizes the concept of planning monorails for
effective and less costly environmentally friendly transportation
systems in our crowded cities and communities. This non-polluting,
noiseless, innovative system can be built along existing right of ways
for highways and freeways.
The Urbanaut system not
only costs much less per passenger and kilometer, but also allows much
more flexibility in design, adaptation and ease of future expansion,
with the ultimate goal to provide much better service for the public, an
important enticement to maximum use of any transportation system.
City planners,
developers, transportation agencies on federal and state levels, and
colleges and universities need unbiased studies of current and emerging
state-of-the art alternatives in transit planning. They no longer need
to limit their feasibility studies to the 50-year old straddle monorail
derivatives and antiquated steel wheel/rail concepts which have
monopolized the world market in spite of their limited flexibility,
adaptability and costliness. With the new Urbanaut as an alternative,
many professionals and in particular, citizens, now accept the fact that
the old straddle concept is far from the state of art for future
monorail technology.
Cities, countries,
developers or other entities considering preliminary studies should
contact the Urbanaut Company for guidelines and Preliminary Feasibility
Study information for the new technology in order to understand how the
new Urbanaut service oriented monorail could fit into their local and
regional transportation solutions
Urbanaut will, under a
Preliminary Feasibility Agreement, discuss proprietary and other helpful
documents, illustrations, videos, guidelines of costs and advice to
minimize unexpected problems and give guide lines to help advance a
project for further study. It is in the Urbanaut's interest to make a
project cost effective and profitable for the many contractors,
consultants and agencies involved.
The accompanying photo is from
a Preliminary Feasibility Study made of the first stage of the
Incheon Wolmido Urbanaut Monorail Project.
For the Wolmido Park Loop a
special attractive long span elevated Y-shaped patented Urbanaut
guide way structure compatible with the beautiful park and ocean
environment was recommended and accepted. For the rest of the
project, vertical shorter beam spans with steel and concrete
columns were applied. Stations are approximately 0.6 km apart;
the guide ways are all elevated. Stages II and III are approved
and under construction. |